viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

I Would Like to be a Wolf

Before making this new blog I did not know which animal to choose, so I looked in google what animals identify me more, it was a difficult decision, but I could identify with the wolf, its fisic characteristics, its way of life and its broken loyalty to its herd.

For that we know, this species is very ancient, has populated large tracts of land throughout history on earth and is one of the most versatile species that fits in places as adverse as Siberia in Russia or meadows in the central balkans.

According to the researches, monogamy was identified as a characteristic trait in most flocks and its hierarchical order was very clear, the breeding pair (breeding male and female breeding female) are the leaders of the herd, they keep it together help resolve internal conflicts and have great control over resources, so much so that they are the first to eat after a successful hunt.

The famous solitary wolves, are wolves that leave their herd in search of a pair and the obtaining of a territory to have a new herd. In this way they can travel great distances in the most adverse conditions and running the risk of dying in fights with already consolidated herds.

With the sole exception of the solitary wolves, I believe that I identify myself absolutely with the features and characteristics of a wolf in herd. I really like teamwork and fellowship.

Wise nature.

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