viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Food and recipe for a student

I like cook, definitely. For me cook it is a great experience because is a moment when I prepare the food that I am going to consume and also it is very rewarding to serve you to which I accompany in this moment. The food and the Kitchen brings together peoples, so I like much cook.
In this occasion I’ll make a humble tribute to “Los Fideos con Salsa”. A great and everyday dish of food for students. His preparation it very easy and fast, but depends on each person be more sophisticated in his prepared.

The first thing I do is boil water cooking noodles, then prepare the different ingredients for the sauce for example, chop carrot, onion, garlic, an Italian pumpkin and for then heat in the pan. Is very important caramelize onion non sick stomach and then skip the other ingredients to be a little cooked. Only when there is I use the meat in the sauce, but not it’s important for me. I like the meat, but is not the basis of my diet.

Finally in the preparation I put tomato sauce, oregano and much cheese. While all cooking, prepare the beautiful table y I serve food to diners.            

3 comentarios:

  1. Yeah a classic for a student jajaj are so easy to cook and so delicious

  2. I love pasta!!! In every ways. And also as Cote sayed, it's a classic. Easy, fast, cheap and also delicious!

  3. I believe that "Los fideos con salsa" are the richest things in the world
