sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

I would like...

I’m study six years ago in this faulta, so that I have seen many changes as for example change of the important teachers that are going because in this facultad there are not minimal conditions for teach, in my situation, the music interpretation. Some other things is the infrastruture, we have very old elevators  that have fallen with some persons inside and also we have concluded that in our biulding we are assinated. There are many persons matriculate that need room for study with a piano or another instrumental. For this it’s necessary changes the building and also unite the faculties that currently are located far far away one from each other.

In my case, I study musical interpretation in double bass and in this career we have important problems. First, due to considerable size of this instrument we can not bring it all days to our home and university, we can’t all or we have buy the instrument own even. For give solution to this problem, the university has instrument for that students can practice. Well, this isn’t all, the doublé basses that have the university are in bad condition, these have no good strings and it have broken many times. I would like to that university buy new instruments and of quality.

Also I would like to that faculty had spaces distensión and recreation for the students, where the vast majority passes all day in it. Finally, also I would like that the faculty had green área to rest.

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